About the Authors


“BANG-ON DIALOGUE. Vamvas and Montes make it look, sound, smell real.” The Edmonton Journal


“Montes and Vamvas continue to demonstrate their skills with SWITCHBLADE-SHARP EARS FOR DIALOGUE and hard, thoroughly believable plot lines.” The Sunday Journal

“A SEXY and EXPLOSIVE style that pulls the patrons forward to the edge of their seats”, The Edmonton Journal

“IMPRESSIVE TALENT in this writing/producing/acting team”, The Winnipeg Free Press

Together for over 20 years, John and Olga started as an acting team but soon began to write their own scripts for lack of finding two-person plays they could tour across North America. They wrote and toured four full-length critically acclaimed plays to packed houses across Canada and the United States, including, Bad Boy, which they performed Off-Off-Broadway at New York’s Creative Place Theatre in the heart of Times Square.

Shortly thereafter, they were approached to star in and rewrite the short film, Things Never Said in Playa Perdida. Playa won the audience award at the New York Short Film Festival and tied first place at the Festivalisimo festival in Montreal.

Based on their optioned screenplay written in 2010, WHEREWOLVES the novel was written after the film project fell through in 2012.

To find out more about their acting career, visit:

John on the IMDB http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0885541/?ref_=tt_cl_t1

Olga on the IMDB http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0599579/?ref_=tt_cl_t2

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