A Break from all Those Zombie Stories

Like any good horror movie this book starts out with a girl being chased by some unseen terror of the night. That is where the similarity to a classic horror films ends.

Wherewolves is a thrill ride that starts with a group of “at risk students” on a survival weekend that is meant to help them get past some traumas in their personal lives and help them find their inner hero and ends with the survivors being traumatized in ways that would have surprised even Rod Serling.

This is NOT a straight up teenagers vs. monsters story. This is much more going on here then wherewolves hunting their teen aged prey. While the pack picking off the kids and turning them into dog chow is terrifying enough, what is really going on is absolutely chilling.

They author tells a very deep story where the tension levels are often off the hook. There are times when it felt like the reader just needed a rest but putting the book down was impossible. With that said, the problem with the book is that its lack of likable characters. There were times I found myself rooting for the monsters, which actually may have been the authors intent. There is also a bit too much of a mixed group of teenagers doing what a mixed group of teenagers would do if dropped into the woods. I know enough about the pranks and sex life teenagers from MTV’s Jackass and Teen Mom, I didn’t find it helpful in this book. Other than that, I thought this was a fun and intense read that gives us horror fans a break from zombies.

By Johnny Bravo on March 21, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase


Five Stars

Remiscent of 80’s horror with some good writing and excellent characterization! Did not disappoint!

Isaac Tsachiridis
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
March 20, 2018


5 out of 5 stars Seriously Scared the Pants off me!

Are you looking for something in the vain of old school horror movies and books? IF so, you should definitely read Wherewolves by John Vamvas and Olga Montes, this book seriously scared the pants off me. From the very beginning of the book, the adrenaline is pumping, but you don’t know which way is up, I loved it!

A group of high schoolers are headed to a survival camp over the weekend. While at the camp the teenagers learn to how to act in moments of necessary survival, and eventually they start to get a little bit better at the whole camping thing. Eventually their friendship and loyalty turns vicious. One after another the kids start to disappear from the campsite, which freaks the remaining kids out. Soon they realize that they may be facing something that they didn’t think was real, but it sure does seem like there’s something more than human out in those woods, possibly werewolves.

One of my favorite story telling tactics is to start from the end, which is how this book starts, and it seriously freaked me out. It freaked me out so much that I had to keep reading, and every single word in this book was just amplifying my fear, in a fantastic way. I absolutely adored this book, and cannot wait to see if these two write more books. I give this one 5 out of 5 stars, I guarantee this book will get the hair on the back of your neck standing on end!
